What am I thankful for?
- My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
- My family
- My church
My church is amazing. We love and care for each other. We pray for each other. We are there for each other. There is a reason we call each other "Brothers" and "Sisters"...That's what we are, in Christ. I know that if I have a need, I can turn to any one of my church family members and, if they are able, they would move mountains to help me. They are such a blessing to me and to many others as well. I am so very grateful to have this kind of "second home". :)
These are some of my lovely "sisters" in Christ at the Ladies' Retreat we went to this October...
We even had a craft time. Such a blast!
It was a great time away with just the ladies! :)
Every year, in the summer time, we have a VBS...

I'm not sure who enjoys it more, the kids or the workers. :)
We also have a Tent Meeting every July...
Our choir sings, there's lots of guest speakers and special music. It can get hot and sticky, but it is such a great time of preaching and fellowship. I wouldn't trade it for the world!
And let's not forget our NBB (our version of AWANA) Program on Wednesday evenings during the school months...
That's always a great time! I really enjoy working with the younger members of our "family". :)
We even have fellowship every Sunday night...
Not always with cake and balloons, mind you, but we still gather and talk (and eat, like every good Baptist out there! LOL :) ). It's so nice to be able to just be with my church family for no other reason than we just want to be together.
There's so many other things we do together, but this will give you a snapshot. I really cannot express to you enough just how amazing these people are. I've never meet a more giving, caring bunch in my whole life. I truly am a blessed woman! It is my hope and prayer that you have a group of people like this in your life as well.
To all my church family, I love you all! My life is better because you're in it, whether you be young or old. Know that I pray for you all and, if there is anything we can ever do for you, if we can at all do it, we will!
I hope you all have an amazing (and thankful) weekend!
post was originally posted on my original site, Fibro, Fit and Fab!)
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