Weekly Weigh In will go live every Monday, and it will share how I'm doing health-wise, and it will give me more accountability with my health.
Here is my thirteenth weigh in of 2020:

2. Weight: My weight essentially stayed the same. I'm disappointed that my weight didn't go down, but I'm glad that my weight didn't go up, so I'll take it. Hopefully, next week I'll have a weight loss to report.
3. Health News: I averaged just over 7,700 steps per day again last week. I am hoping to get at least my 6,000 steps per day average this week, and will do so as long as I can be out and about. I was able to get out a lot last week when the weather cooperated, so hopefully this week will be the same.
Migraines are leaving me alone for now, but my insomnia is still showing up now and again along with a little restless legs. Overall, though, the insomnia and restless legs have not been bad, so I really can't complain.
Overall, I feel like I am doing pretty well. I've been a bit stuffy at times, but no fever, so that's good. I'm pretty sure it is seasonal allergies, especially since allergy meds seem to help quite a bit, which is also good. I'm still being very careful about social distancing and keeping my hands and home clean as much as possible. Always a good practice, but especially good right now.
Migraines are leaving me alone for now, but my insomnia is still showing up now and again along with a little restless legs. Overall, though, the insomnia and restless legs have not been bad, so I really can't complain.
Overall, I feel like I am doing pretty well. I've been a bit stuffy at times, but no fever, so that's good. I'm pretty sure it is seasonal allergies, especially since allergy meds seem to help quite a bit, which is also good. I'm still being very careful about social distancing and keeping my hands and home clean as much as possible. Always a good practice, but especially good right now.
4. Diet News: Nothing too new to report here. I'm still making slow progress towards eating more natural. I've been making from scratch more often, trying to eat more raw fruits and veggies, and have even cut back on tea of all sorts (I pretty much just drink water now, though I will occasionally drink milk, OJ, or tea...maybe some decaf here and there, too). All positive changes, and I feel like they have helped me feel better overall, weight loss or no.
5. Other News: Please continue to pray for my middle kid. For around 6 months now, he has been dealing with an unknown health issue. He has basically made no real major changes, and he has good (and I don't mean symptom-free, just more mild symptoms) days and bad days. His appointment that was supposed to be in a few weeks has been moved out into June due to COVID-19. If you'd like a current update/rundown on his condition, you can click here.
As to our week, school as usual (because we homeschool), and our daughter gets another x-ray on her arm on Wednesday, and hopefully we'll be able to say good-bye to her brace. Other than that, we have no real plans other than walks together as we can (lots of places to go around here without running into people), and not much else. We were pretty much homebodies before, so this is nothing too new for us, but we are hoping that this pandemic slows down soon and life can return to a new normal. {Let's face it - life will never be like it was before, but we will find a new center when this is behind us.} We are definitely praying for our world - what crazy times we live in right now!
As to our week, school as usual (because we homeschool), and our daughter gets another x-ray on her arm on Wednesday, and hopefully we'll be able to say good-bye to her brace. Other than that, we have no real plans other than walks together as we can (lots of places to go around here without running into people), and not much else. We were pretty much homebodies before, so this is nothing too new for us, but we are hoping that this pandemic slows down soon and life can return to a new normal. {Let's face it - life will never be like it was before, but we will find a new center when this is behind us.} We are definitely praying for our world - what crazy times we live in right now!
How are you doing? Do you have anything you want to weigh in with? Any health progress or goals you want to share? If so, please leave a comment below (with a link to your post, if you have one and wish to leave it), and I'll respond ASAP.
Have a great week!