Today is the seventh day of my back-to-school link-up. Have you gotten a chance to check out all the posts that have been shared and/or linked up yet? If not, you should! Remember, at the end of this link-up, I will be highlighting some of my favorites from posts YOU have linked up! You don't want to miss out! :)
Here is what has been shared so far:
Did you catch that last one? Check all art/craft supplies for allergens! Have you done this? Or better yet, did you even know that art/craft supplies can contain food allergens? They can...and MANY DO!
Here is what has been shared so far:
- Stacey's Turkey, Cheese and Salsa Wraps (Fish, Egg and Nut-Free, Can Be Milk, Soy and Wheat-Free)
- Christy's "Additive-Free" Lunch Box Ideas for Kids
- Cindy's Back-To-School Tip: Medical Alert Wristbands
- Jennifer's Tips On How To Keep Your Child With Allergies/Asthma Safe At School
- Jo's Tips On Bringing Treats To School From A Teacher's Perspective
- Lisa & Ashley's Back-To-School Dose Of Reality Style!
Today's guest post is by a blogger I've just recently met, Lauren of Our Life As An Epi-Family, and I think you will find the information invaluable!
Getting kids ready for school is quite the task -- one that I’m just beginning to learn at our house as my oldest just started preschool a couple weeks ago. But for families with food allergies, the list of “to dos” is much more extensive. Among that list is:
- School Supplies...check
- Lunch Box...check
- EpiPens...check
- Asthma Meds...check
- Allergy Action Plan signed by doctor...check
- Meet with teacher to discuss allergies...check
- Train teacher about signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis...check
- Check all art/craft supplies for allergens...WHAT???
Luckily for our family, I had been warned about craft supplies but hadn’t taken time to research the full list until this year. I hadn’t really needed to because my little men weren’t in school yet. My philosophy at home has always been if I can’t find the list of ingredients then we don’t eat it OR play with it! I’m sure many of you are the same way, especially if you struggle with a contact-sensitive allergy.
I’ve broken down the art/craft supplies by allergen. Keep in mind that this isn’t a complete list nor is it brand specific. I’ve listed items based on the research that I’ve done. If I found it mentioned that it could have a particular allergen in it, then I listed it. Please continue to read ALL labels and do your own research as all products are made differently. Even if it’s not on the list below, an allergen could still be present.
Can Contain Egg
- Tempera Paint
- Macaroni Art
- Projects using egg cartons
- Counting Projects Using Small Objects {ex. Pasta}
Can Contain Dairy
- Finger Paint {especially pudding finger paint}
- Shaving Cream
- Projects Using Milk Cartons
- Soaps
- Counting Projects Using Small Objects {ex. M&Ms}
- Dustless Chalk {casein} + Erasers If Dustless Chalk is Used
Can Contain Soy
- Crayons
- Crayola Wonder
- Shaving Cream
- Potting Soil
- Soaps
Can Contain Wheat/Gluten
- Play-Doh
- Macaroni Art
- Finger Paint {Elmer’s}
- Craft Paste
- Bird Seed
- Paper Mache
- Soaps
- Counting Projects Using Small Objects {ex. Pasta}
- Cereal Boxes
Can Contain Peanut
- Bird Feeders
- Bird Seed
- Potting Soil
- Soap {nut extracts}
Can Contain Tree Nut
- Bird Feeders
- Bird Seed
- Potting Soil
- Soap {nut extracts}
For a more detailed list, including potentially safe alternatives to some of the items listed above, visit the Kids With Food Allergies Foundation List. I’d also like to add that most of Crayola’s products are allergy friendly. Check out their allergen statement.
I hope this list helps give you an idea of what to watch for, and most importantly, I hope the food-allergic children you love stay safe at school this year!
Thanks for being my guest today, Lauren!
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Before you go, take a moment to leave Lauren some comment love below and to link-up and/or view the posts already linked up! Thanks!
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(This post was originally posted on my original site, Natural and Free.)
Crayola markers DO contain soy. The Pip Squeaks especially. Now confirming this with them...wont fly because they won't releasethe ingredients due to proprietary stuff but we confirmed it ourself the hard way with a soy allergic child. Their dry erase well :(
ReplyDeleteThe list above indicates that these products contain soy as well. I will make sure to add them to my list of soy in non-food items, though. Thanks for confirming this, though I am sorry you had to learn this the hard way.