At the time of publication, all recipes were free of the allergens listed as being free of in the title (i.e. soy-free, milk-free, etc.), and all other information shared was accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Though I strive to update outdated information quickly and work diligently to make sure you have the most accurate information possible at all times, it is your duty to double check labels EVERY TIME to ensure that the ingredients you use are SAFE FOR YOU.
Your doctor or allergist should also be your first go-to for information on how to handle your medical needs. That being said, if you DO notice an error, please send me an email letting me know (tell me what page or recipe the error is on, what the error is, etc.), and I will correct the error ASAP.
Thank you so much!

Please Be Advised:
I make sure all of my recipes use foods that are free of the allergens they say they are free of. You will need to do the same. For help with this, please see the appropriate "Alternative Names" page for the allergen(s) you need the recipe free of.

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Back-To-School Link-Up {Day 12}: Caroline's Back-To-School Checklist {Guest Post}

Today is the twelfth (and last) day of my back-to-school link-up.  If you haven't gotten a chance to check out all the posts that have been shared and/or linked up yet, please do so today!   Remember TOMORROW I will be highlighting some of my favorites from posts YOU have linked up!  You don't want to miss out! :) You have until 11:55pm EST tonight to link-up!

Here is what has been shared so far:

  1. Stacey's Turkey, Cheese and Salsa Wraps (Fish, Egg and Nut-Free, Can Be Milk, Soy and Wheat-Free)
  2. Christy's "Additive-Free" Lunch Box Ideas for Kids
  3. Cindy's Back-To-School Tip: Medical Alert Wristbands
  4. Jennifer's Tips On How To Keep Your Child With Allergies/Asthma Safe At School
  5. Jo's Tips On Bringing Treats To School From A Teacher's Perspective
  6. Lisa & Ashley's Back-To-School Dose Of Reality Style!
  7. Lauren's List Of Hidden Allergens In School Supplies
  8. Chris's "Dear Teacher..." Letter
  9. Jodi's Favorite Gluten Free/Peanut Free Snacks
  10. Jennifer's Baked Oatmeal Allergy-Free Style (Can Be Top 8 Free)
  11. "One Mommy"'s Lunch Wrap Fun
Today I have my friend Caroline of Grateful Foodie sharing her wonderful back-to-school checklist.

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Caroline at the Mylan Food Allergy Bloggers' Summit.
Back-to-School is exciting, hopeful and sometimes stressful for those of us managing a food allergy, food intolerance or any other health condition related to foods.  Not only we must address 504 plans and policy to addressing the acute health needs, we need to load up on supplies, talk to teachers and our children about staying safe and healthy at school.

To keep my food allergic children safe at school I have my own little checklist of school prep that I use as my guide. Even if your school has already started, it is important to pause after one or two weeks and review your check list to ensure everything is in place and working well!

Here is my personal checklist--

Allergist/Physician Direction

*Confirm annual appointment with allergist to review food allergy status and for lung function test to update and discuss maintenance and rescue medications.

*Ask Allergist/physician for guidance regarding managing school, 504 plans and a Food Allergy Action Plan AND Asthma Action Plan.

Medications/medical forms/policy

* Medical forms-- Check in with school for needed forms regarding epinephrine auto-injectors and asthma inhalers.  Do I need physician direction or signatures?

* Medications for School--did I provide epinephrine auto-injectors and inhalers to my child’s school?

* Expiration date--will medications given to school expire during the school year?  If so, note on calendar date for replacement.

* Medications to be carried to and from school, on the playground, etc.-Did I make proper arrangements for my child to self carry?

* 504 plan--Confirm meeting with teacher, school nurse and all other teachers and staff who will interact with my child to establish annual 504 plan.

* 504 Plan-confirm all parties involved truly and honestly understand the plan and are capable of following the plan.

* Shelter In place--speak to school about maintaining a jar of Sunbutter and box of crackers in the event of a shelter in place situation.

* Allergens in the classroom--discuss with teacher how to reduce risk by reducing allergen exposure in classroom.

* Field Trips--confirm policy for managing food allergies on field trips--including transportation.

School Lifestyle

* Epinephrine and inhaler carriers--Order EpiPen® carriers and medication pouches.  Here is my list of popular EpiPen® and Auvi-Q® holders:

* Lunchtime--order new lunch boxes.  My Back-to-School Everything blog post list some resources for lunchtime--including lunch boxes that have allergy warnings on them (

* Snacks at School--Talk to teacher about maintaining a private supply of safe snacks at school for my children.

* Parties--discuss safe food suggestions for entire class.  Not just my child.

* Rewards--speak to teacher about enjoying non-food rewards, such as 10 minute dance parties, games, songs and the joy of paper airplane races!

* Inclusion--discuss how to keep my child included in class parties and school wide celebrations.

Celebrations and Food

sunbutter and apple snack 2.jpg
Here is a picture of our favorite school snack.  Sunbutter, Gala Apples and Enjoy Life chocolate chips.
*Create list of safe snack ideas--Confirm list of 10 items that I can share with other parents.

*Shopping for safe snacks--stock my pantry with safe last minutes snacks for my children.

*Safe ingredients--maintain a supply of ingredients to make last minute safe snacks or foods.

Food Allergy Education for Peers

*Be A P.A.L. or read a book to classroom--confirm date and time to educate students in my child’s class regarding food allergies.  My Back-to-School post includes resources for classroom education fun.  (

I hope you enjoy creating your checklist/road map for a safe and health start to the beginning of school!


You can connect with Caroline at the following locations:

Thanks for being my guest today, Caroline!  

Here is your badge if you'd like to use it:

Before you go, take a moment to leave Caroline some comment love below, link-up and/or view the posts already linked up!  Thanks!

 ~*~ Now It's Your Turn! ~*~

~*~ Grab A Badge! ~*~


(This post was originally posted on my original site, Natural and Free.)

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