At the time of publication, all recipes were free of the allergens listed as being free of in the title (i.e. soy-free, milk-free, etc.), and all other information shared was accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Though I strive to update outdated information quickly and work diligently to make sure you have the most accurate information possible at all times, it is your duty to double check labels EVERY TIME to ensure that the ingredients you use are SAFE FOR YOU.
Your doctor or allergist should also be your first go-to for information on how to handle your medical needs. That being said, if you DO notice an error, please send me an email letting me know (tell me what page or recipe the error is on, what the error is, etc.), and I will correct the error ASAP.
Thank you so much!

Please Be Advised:
I make sure all of my recipes use foods that are free of the allergens they say they are free of. You will need to do the same. For help with this, please see the appropriate "Alternative Names" page for the allergen(s) you need the recipe free of.

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Friday, September 13, 2013

The Back-To-School Link-Up: Feature Day

I hope you all had a fabulous time during the link-up!  I know I did!  I had some awesome guests and post highlights, if I do say so myself! :)  If you missed it, you can check them out now here:
  1. Stacey's Turkey, Cheese and Salsa Wraps (Fish, Egg and Nut-Free, Can Be Milk, Soy and Wheat-Free)
  2. Christy's "Additive-Free" Lunch Box Ideas for Kids
  3. Cindy's Back-To-School Tip: Medical Alert Wristbands
  4. Jennifer's Tips On How To Keep Your Child With Allergies/Asthma Safe At School
  5. Jo's Tips On Bringing Treats To School From A Teacher's Perspective
  6. Lisa & Ashley's Back-To-School Dose Of Reality Style!
  7. Lauren's List Of Hidden Allergens In School Supplies
  8. Chris's "Dear Teacher..." Letter
  9. Jodi's Favorite Gluten Free/Peanut Free Snacks
  10. Jennifer's Baked Oatmeal Allergy-Free Style (Can Be Top 8 Free)
  11. "One Mommy"'s Lunch Wrap Fun
  12. Caroline's Back-To-School Checklist
Now onto my features...
I was going to go through the posts that were linked up and choose a few to share, but after taking a look at them, I honestly could not choose just a few!  There is a treasure trove of information in these posts, and I found them all worthy of the title of "feature"!  To all of you who linked up, congratulations!  You are all winners! :)

Please take some time to check out the wonderful posts that were linked up over the last 2 weeks and leave them some comment love.  You will not be sorry!  You'll find amazing recipes, fun free printables, inspirational stories and more!

A warm thank you to all of you who participated in any form!  You all are the best!!!

Here is your badge if you'd like to use it:

Thanks again, all, and I hope you are having a wonderful back-to-school experience so far! :)

(This post was originally posted on my original site, Natural and Free.)



  1. what a fun, fun link up and I can't wait to read some of these features! Vegan chocolate truffles...oh yes! I'm in!! --Lisa

    1. Thanks, Lisa! :) Those truffles do look awesome, right?

  2. Thank you for such a fun link up! Can't wait to check out a few more posts!

  3. This looks like a wonderful link up!


Thoughts? Comments? Questions? Feel free to leave a message or email me directly (See the "Contacting Me" page for more information on how to do this.).

Please note that all comments must be approved before they are published, and no anonymous comments are allowed (you can email me if you don't want to leave a public comment). I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Thanks for reading me! I love to hear from my readers so keep the comments/emails coming! :)