At the time of publication, all recipes were free of the allergens listed as being free of in the title (i.e. soy-free, milk-free, etc.), and all other information shared was accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Though I strive to update outdated information quickly and work diligently to make sure you have the most accurate information possible at all times, it is your duty to double check labels EVERY TIME to ensure that the ingredients you use are SAFE FOR YOU.
Your doctor or allergist should also be your first go-to for information on how to handle your medical needs. That being said, if you DO notice an error, please send me an email letting me know (tell me what page or recipe the error is on, what the error is, etc.), and I will correct the error ASAP.
Thank you so much!

Please Be Advised:
I make sure all of my recipes use foods that are free of the allergens they say they are free of. You will need to do the same. For help with this, please see the appropriate "Alternative Names" page for the allergen(s) you need the recipe free of.

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Monday, May 11, 2020

Weekly Weigh In 2020: Week 19, May 11, 2020

Weekly Weigh In will go live every Monday, and it will share how I'm doing health-wise, and it will give me more accountability with my health.

Here is my nineteenth weigh in of 2020:

1. The Selfie: The selfie is me as of today, May 11, 2020.
2. Weight: My weight went down half a pound.  I'll take it!  Hopefully, this week I will continue the downward trend.  Here's hoping!

3. Health News: I averaged just over 8,000 steps per day last week.  I am hoping to get at least my 6,000 steps per day average this week, and will do so as long as I can be out and about.

I did end up going off the Coreg for about 48 hours (with my doctor's permission) the end of last week to see if it made a difference in my heart monitoring progress.  I was hoping to go about twice that long, but I was just too miserable (lots of symptoms ranging from dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain and lack of sleep), and my husband said I needed to be done with the experiment.  I felt miserable enough to agree.  I did have some tachycardia during that 48 hours (though it was very minor - just over 100 during rest) along with the other symptoms described, so there's that.  At least the doctor will be able to see what my heart did on and off the Coreg, and we can conclude that the Coreg is at least helping a little bit.  I'm still having some issues even on the Coreg, but they are not as scary, and I can sleep, so that's good (and the symptoms tend to be less and less the longer I'm on Coreg).  I've got about a week and a half left on this monitor, and then we'll see what the results are.  I'm supposed to meet with the cardiologist after that (in-person or TeleHealth is yet to be determined).

I will keep you all updated on how things go.  Thank you for your prayers concerning this matter! 

4. Diet News:  I'm working on portion control more along with avoiding caffeine and sugar, and that's making a little bit of a difference.  I have to eat with the Coreg which I take around 8:30am and 8:30pm, so I am trying to determine how much I have to eat at that 8:30pm slot and not throw off my whole eating plan.  So far, I seem to do the best eating a handful of nuts with it.  My main plan for now, since my intermittent fasting is thrown a bit off, is to make sure I'm not overeating.  It's still a work in progress, but I feel like I'm finding a new groove.

5. Other News: Please continue to pray for my middle kid.  For just over 7 months now, he has been dealing with an unknown health issue.  His appointment that was supposed to be last month has been moved out into June due to COVID-19 which has us a little bummed, but he's basically stable symptom-wise right now, so it's all good.  If you'd like a current update/rundown on his condition, you can click here.

As to our week, home improvements and more graduation plans.  It's going to be an insanely busy next few weeks!  My husband and my 20th wedding anniversary is next week, too.  We can't go anywhere, but we'll still enjoy some time together.  He even has a few days off work, so that will be nice.

How are you doing?  Do you have anything you want to weigh in with?  Any health progress or goals you want to share?  If so, please leave a comment below (with a link to your post, if you have one and wish to leave it), and I'll respond ASAP.

Have a great week!

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