At the time of publication, all recipes were free of the allergens listed as being free of in the title (i.e. soy-free, milk-free, etc.), and all other information shared was accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Though I strive to update outdated information quickly and work diligently to make sure you have the most accurate information possible at all times, it is your duty to double check labels EVERY TIME to ensure that the ingredients you use are SAFE FOR YOU.
Your doctor or allergist should also be your first go-to for information on how to handle your medical needs. That being said, if you DO notice an error, please send me an email letting me know (tell me what page or recipe the error is on, what the error is, etc.), and I will correct the error ASAP.
Thank you so much!

Please Be Advised:
I make sure all of my recipes use foods that are free of the allergens they say they are free of. You will need to do the same. For help with this, please see the appropriate "Alternative Names" page for the allergen(s) you need the recipe free of.

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Monday, August 10, 2020

Weekly Weigh In 2020: Week 32, August 10, 2020


Weekly Weigh In will go live every Monday, and it will share how I'm doing health-wise, and it will give me more accountability with my health.

Here is my thirty-second weigh in of 2020:

1. The Selfie: The selfie is me as of today, August 10, 2020.

2. Weight: My weight is went is up again nearly 5 pounds.  Part of that is due to the humid weather and part of it is due to me dealing with more inflammation and water retention lately, so I hope to be able to lose the weight this week.  I'm also going to be making sure that I am eating only when hungry and eating right for me.  That should help, too.

3. Health News: I averaged just over 7,200 steps per day last week.  I am hoping to get at least my 6,000 steps per day average this week, and will do so as long as I can be out and about.

I'm still having issues with some mild seasonal allergies and with my back/hips, especially on my left side (chiropractic is helping with the back/hip issues, though).  I'm also dealing with some other health issues that I plan on speaking with my doctor about when I see her in a few weeks.  Depending on what she says, I could end up having more labs and maybe even end up seeing a different specialist.  I'll keep you posted, and I appreciate your prayers.

I'm supposed to have my OBGYN appointment to check on my PCOS next week.  I'm not sure if I'll still have it due to all the restrictions still in place, but I should find that out soon enough.  Please pray that I won't have to have it rescheduled again, or that, if I do, I'll be able to get in soon.  Thanks!

4. Diet News:  Last week, I had more carbs than normal, and I paid for it.  I've also had times where I thought I ate all foods that were ok for me only to have issues.  When I thought about it later on, I realized that I'd (in most cases) either overeaten the foods that I can only have a little bit of, eaten them at the wrong time of day, or I had eaten something new that didn't have enough fat, protein or fiber to counteract the carbs.  Needless to say, it was a bit of a frustrating week.  I am going to work harder on eating better (for me) this week.  

5. Other News: Please continue to pray for my middle kid.  For just over 10 months now, he has been dealing with an unknown health issue.  He appears to be stable (as long as he takes his medication), but we'd like to be able to figure out what the source of the issue is so that he can go off the medication if at all possible.  We're still in the process of getting his lift, and I've reached out to his doctor again to discuss some things, too, and am waiting to hear back. {Don't worry.  He's doing ok.  I just had some questions that may impact his education, and I'll let you know if anything important/new crops up.}  If you'd like more of a current update/rundown on his condition, you can click here.

As to our week, I have no idea at this point.  We still can't get our water/washer fixed, but thankfully I'm still able to do laundry in small loads and nothing else is urgent, so there's that.  I'm hopeful we can get something done this weekend in that regard, but we'll see.  We've got various appointments this week, and I just realized I need to make a back-to-{home}school plan.  I am also hoping that we can do something fun as a family, but that depends entirely on getting things crossed off of our to-do list.  All in all, never a dull moment, anyway. :)

How are you doing?  Do you have anything you want to weigh in with?  Any health progress or goals you want to share?  If so, please leave a comment below (with a link to your post, if you have one and wish to leave it), and I'll respond ASAP.

Have a great week!

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