This is the third Recent Reflections post of 2019. Recent Reflections goes live the third Friday or Saturday of each month. Each Recent Reflections post covers something that I'm reflecting on. If you'd like to share a post with a similar theme, feel free to leave a comment with a link to your post, and I'll hop on over and leave a comment (and maybe some other readers will, too).
This month, I will be reflecting on living a blessed life.
What does it mean to live a blessed life? I used to think it meant having excessive amounts of money, having all my desires met along with all of my needs, having no worries, and living whatever my dream was for the moment. Basically, I thought it meant living with the world's view of prosperity and fortune.
I have come to realize that those things - riches, fame, dream jobs - don't define a blessed life, though they can be part of a blessed life. So, what does define it?
It's not things or money - we all know someone who has "everything" and still battles depression or commits suicide. It's not a dream job because we all know people who have their dream job and are miserable.
When I am content, I am truly happy. When I trust all the details to God, I feel blessed beyond measure - even when the bank account is lean, the cupboards look bare, and/or the doctor's report looks bleak.
We all know those people who are going through ridiculous hardships yet just radiant happiness, and we just don't get it. How can they be so happy?!?!? How can they not be worried?!?!
What does it mean to live a blessed life? I used to think it meant having excessive amounts of money, having all my desires met along with all of my needs, having no worries, and living whatever my dream was for the moment. Basically, I thought it meant living with the world's view of prosperity and fortune.
I have come to realize that those things - riches, fame, dream jobs - don't define a blessed life, though they can be part of a blessed life. So, what does define it?
Well, a blessed life is simply a happy life.
But what makes a person truly happy?
It's not things or money - we all know someone who has "everything" and still battles depression or commits suicide. It's not a dream job because we all know people who have their dream job and are miserable.
So, what makes a person happy?
Being content with what you have (and don't have), loving the life you have and not longing for the next best thing, living in the moment vs. looking to the future - these things make for a happy life.
When I am content, I am truly happy. When I trust all the details to God, I feel blessed beyond measure - even when the bank account is lean, the cupboards look bare, and/or the doctor's report looks bleak.
We all know those people who are going through ridiculous hardships yet just radiant happiness, and we just don't get it. How can they be so happy?!?!? How can they not be worried?!?!
Truth is, their happiness is not in their situation, but in trusting the God of the situation.
They know that, even if the worst case happens, it will be ok.
How do I know? I've been there.
When I was facing the possibility of MS or even the possibility of breast cancer, I felt God's peace. When I was facing the possibility of losing my daughter to a hemorrhage after her tonsillectomy, I felt the same peace. When I went through having children in the NICU twice, I felt God's peace. When I went through months of testing more than once in my life only to be told, "We don't know why you are having these problems," I felt God's presence and reassurance that it would all be ok. I was scared, I was unsure about my future, but I knew God would see me through somehow, no matter what the outcome.
It wasn't that I expected a good outcome - I didn't. Truth be told, I always prepared for the worst.
So, why did I still feel so blessed despite the fear and unknown?
Because God was with me.
You see, the difference between a truly happy person and everyone else on the planet is that they have God to hold their hand in the hard times. They have God by their side when it's a good day or a bad day. They have a Rock and a Strength the world just doesn't understand. This makes all the difference in the world - having Someone Who is always there. {Proverbs 18:24 (KJV)}
You want to know the true secret to living a blessed, contented life?
Hebrews 13:5 (KJV):
"Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."
Live your life not coveting what you don't have and can't get. Be content with what you have already been blessed with - family, friends, shelter, food, clothing, etc. - and realize how blessed you are if you have God in your life.
If God is not a part of your life, you can fix that today! How? Go here: Want Some Good News? If you have questions, feel free to email me, and I'll answer them the best that I can!
I truly hope this post has been a blessing to your heart, or at the least made you stop and think a little. What has God done in your life lately to bless you? What are you reflecting on?
Have a wonderful weekend!
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