This is the seventh Recent Reflections post of 2018. Recent Reflections goes live the third Friday or Saturday of each month. Each Recent Reflections post covers something that I'm reflecting on. If you'd like to share a post with a similar theme, feel free to leave a comment with a link to your post, and I'll hop on over and leave a comment (and maybe some other readers will, too).
This month, I will be reflecting on freedom.
Independence Day has come and gone, and I find myself reflecting on the holiday and what it has become. Most people act like it is about a day (or more) off of work, fireworks, parties, parades, etc., and few really take the time to remember why we even have an Independence Day.
Freedom is NOT free. It is NOT an entitlement, though some believe it is. Freedom IS a privilege, and one that not every person on the planet gets, and one that Americans tend to take for granted. You see, freedom is EARNED and KEPT by the willing sacrifices of those who believe that freedom is worth the ultimate sacrifice. It may be something we are born with as American citizens, but we have to KEEP it, and if you have to fight to keep it, you can lose it. We are losing sight of freedom's value.
Former President Ronald Reagan summed it up best when he said this:
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."
If you want to know who some of my true heroes are, they look like these people:
These men, along with others like them (men and women alike), have fought for our freedom, our children's freedom, and for the freedom of every generation to come. They gave up portions of their lives, face PTSD, have lost limbs, have lost friends and family, and so much more because they believed that freedom is worth more than their sacrifices. I am in awe that they risked so much for my rights and privileges.
To all the soldiers out there - past, present and future - thank you! Thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for protecting my freedoms. Thank you for giving up so much for me and mine. May God bless you for your service, and may your sacrifice never be forgotten!
To close, and for your listening pleasure, I'd like to share a podcast by Mike Rowe that will make you all think a bit. It's episode 104 of The Way I Heard It called "The One Presenters". Take a listen. You won't regret it!
I truly hope this post has been a blessing to your heart! What has God done in your life lately to bless you? What are you reflecting on?
Have a wonderful weekend!
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