Today is the fourth Monthly Milestones of 2016. If you want to share a milestone post, just leave a comment below with a link to your milestone post, and I'll pop over and visit it and leave a comment, and hopefully some of my other readers will, too. :) Normally, Monthly Milestones, where I will be giving you updates on how I am doing physically, mentally, etc., will go live on the first Saturday of every month, though sometimes I may be a day early or late depending on circumstances.
Here is how I am doing as of today:
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Me as of today, April 2, 2016, at 230 lbs. Special thanks to my son, Stephen, again, for being my photographer! :) |
- My weight went up again! I weigh myself every week, and this month has been up and down a *lot*, ending with a net gain of 2 and a half pounds. I know it is in part to not making the best food choices, and I'm going to remedy that starting today and hopefully I'll have a weight loss to report to you next month. :)
- Now that it's spring, it's more like winter! Weather in Northern Michigan is crazy. It can be warm and sunny one minute, snowing to beat all the next. March was exactly like that, and (so far) April is going that way, too. It makes it difficult to get out an walk like I'd want, but here's hoping that I'll be able to anyway! :)
- We're still plugging away with our new lifestyle choices. I haven't been able to go swimming as much recently due to illness in the family, and weather has made walking difficult, but I'm hoping to be able to get back at it this week. We'll see. I'm also working at getting more organic and non-GMO when possible, and trying to avoid soy and grains more and eat a more protein-based diet. I find it does make a difference in how I feel. It's not easy, and I tend to fail a lot (especially when life gets crazy), but I'll keep working at it. Wish me luck!
- I have no further information on the cause of my health issues, and we've been dealing with other health issues in the family. Well, I had just over a month break from my weird health issues, but they are now back, and there is definitely a pattern. I start with focus/cognitive/emotional issues, go to tightness/spasms in my limbs and/or Restless Leg-type symptoms, and then I get the weakness/heaviness in my limbs. After that, I can have fluctuating symptoms, and I have been. I've had to use a cane a few times to help me with stability. I am very glad I will be seeing the neurologist in a few weeks, so hopefully we can work on getting some more answers!
We've dealt with some nasty viruses in the house that haven't helped things, either, but hopefully those are on their way out and April will be a good month. :) Time will tell!
I got my eyes checked out, too - no changes there, so I'm getting prescription sunglasses vs. a new part of glasses this year (first time ever getting prescription sunglasses, so I'm excited about that). My eye doctor seemed to think some of my visual issues could indeed be a form of migraine, so that gives me something to talk with the neuro about when I see her. He did note that some of my visual field is not quite 100%, and he's never mentioned that before so I'm assuming that is a new thing with me, however, my eyes look good structurally and he didn't see anything concerning, so for now, my eyes are healthy and he can't figure out why I'd have the issues I have.
Please continue to pray for us as we search for answers to my health issues and the other unspoken ones I mentioned last month. Thanks so much!
- We appreciate your prayers as we make some important decisions as a family. Due to my unknown health status among other reasons, we need to make some decisions about various things in the next few months. We appreciate your prayers very much. Our lifestyle may be in for some very big changes, and we need to prepare for that the best we can without jumping the gun too much. We think we've already gotten some direction, but want to check out a few more things before we decide 100%, but it definitely looks like things will be changing in the upcoming months with some things. It will be different, but good. :) Thanks so much for all the support and prayers for us through this. They mean the world!
- Blog updates have stalled, though posting has increased! My system to add posts to this blog and Natural and Free at least once a month is still going well, and I have found the time to make some minor changes. I'd like to do more than that, but my current health status is making that difficult, and I've finding that I am back to having a serious lack of time for now. We'll see how it goes! I may still be able to surprise you with some crazy awesome updates sooner than later. ;) Stay tuned! :D
That's about it for now. How are you doing? Are you reaching your goals? Have you tried something new? Come up with a new recipe? I hope all is going well with you, and I hope you will leave a comment sharing your thoughts and/or milestones (with a link to your post, if you wish). As always, I wish you the best of luck in all you do, and hope you will return soon! :)
(This post was originally posted on my original site, Fibro, Fit and Fab!)
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