Today is the first Monthly Milestones of 2017. If you want to share a milestone post, just leave a comment below with a link to your milestone post, and I'll pop over and visit it and leave a comment, and hopefully some of my other readers will, too. :) Normally, Monthly Milestones, where I will be giving you updates on how I am doing physically, mentally, etc., will go live on the first Saturday of every month, though sometimes I may be a day early or late depending on circumstances.
Here is how I am doing as of today:
- My weight is down 3.5 lbs. to start off the new year! I am thrilled to be at the lowest weight I've been at in years (223.5 lbs.), and I hope it is only the beginning. I think I've finally found the key to weight loss with me (plenty of water, more proteins, very little carbs/sugar, and at least some physical activity daily), and I am so glad. It took me a long time, but I am finally seem to be on the right track now, so I'm praying it continues. We shall see!
- The weather has been horrible, so it has been harder to be more active in some ways. I can't walk as much as I'd like, but there is snow shoveling in abundance right now, so that is helping keep me active (though I can't do a ton of that without overdoing it). I still am consciously making the effort to move. I still keep track of my physical activity on my phone, and I know that helps, too.
- Dietary/lifestyle changes are still happening. I still haven't gone completely herbal with my tea choices, but I still do no coffee, though I drink decaf on very rare occasions. I am even finding that I drink less tea, and even more water, so that's a plus, too. I am still working on 9+ cups of water per day, and doing well. I also am keeping track of my dietary choices on my phone to help keep me honest. I hope to not have to use it forever, but until things become habit, they are a nice help. So far, so good!
- My health is mainly stable, but I did have some issues with weakness again. About 3 weeks ago, I started having Restless Legs again at night, which I knew meant that I was getting ready to go into a bout of weakness, and I did. Last week, I had about a 24 hour episode of weakness that was mainly my left leg, but also all of my other limbs. It was very discouraging, but it could have been much worse. I still have vision and hearing issues, too, which sometimes get really bad and, other times, are next to normal. The chiropractic stretches I do help a lot, but they aren't the same as chiropractic care. I am hoping to be able to go back soon, but that depends on finances and weather (we've had near blizzard weather off an on since Thanksgiving). For now, I will just do my best to do enough exercise to keep limber and mobile, but not so much that I overdo and have issues. It's a hard balance to find, but I think I will learn it well in time. :)
Also, thank you to all who continue to pray for us. It's hard not having any answers when it comes to my health issues, but knowing you are all praying and that God is there means more than you know! Thank you!
- I look forward to what 2017 holds! New years always feel like new beginnings and fresh starts. I am optimistic about the year to come, and look forward to see what it has in store. 2016 was rough for so many reasons, and 2017 may be, too, but there are always bright spots in any storm, and I know that there are at least those to look forward to. :) We shall see what is to come!
- I am hoping to post more on both blogs sooner than later! I've not been able to post quite as much as I'd like, but I'm still trying to post monthly (if not more often) to this blog and Natural and Free. I have some ideas and material, just no time to update and post just yet. Hopefully I'll get the time to do that soon. We'll see! :)
That's about it for now. How are you doing? Are you reaching your goals? Have you tried something new? Come up with a new recipe? I hope all is going well with you, and I hope you will leave a comment sharing your thoughts and/or milestones (with a link to your post, if you wish). As always, I wish you the best of luck in all you do, and hope you will return soon! :)
(This post was originally posted on my original site, Natural and Free.)